First of all, Devin has been having several interviews for jobs, but he also was accepted to both places he applied for graduate school. BYU and Utah State for Mechanical Engineering! So..if no great jobs come our way, at least we have something else we can count on. But he has been having quite a few interviews, so hopefully more opportunities come our way.
Second, our NEW COMPUTER should be arriving sometime today! It's a Lenovo Think-Pad. Thank-you Tax Returns... We have been using my laptop that I got before I graduated highschool. It's an old Compaq that is pretty much junk. But I'm grateful we've at least had something!
Third...Liam is 3 MONTHS old. Where in the world did my newborn baby go? At three months William:
-smiles often (especially when he sees mom or dad...which makes me so happy)
-laughs sometimes (you have to try REALLY hard to get him to laugh..and even then it's usually just one little giggle)
-sits in the bumbo without getting mad
-is starting to find his toes
-sleeps between 6 and 9 hours every night
-can roll over from tummy to back (well, he has like 4 times all on his own!)
-and doesn't go through as many diapers as he once did!
-also i tried weighing him on our scale and he is 14.8 lbs (might not be totally accurate) and 24 inches long. he is like twice as big from when he was born!! Here's some cute pictures of Liam in his third month of life!:
chillin' in the boppy
Also, I just found out from my little sister that her and her new husband are possibly going to come visit us during their spring break this month!
Other than that, I am trying to find things to do. And the motivation to do's so easy to just take naps all day! Stupid weather...I need to go for walks or something. I miss summer. I have decided that I'm going to either make a slip-cover for our awful couch or totally reupholster? Any suggestions on what else a stay-at home mom can do to keep life interesting while her husband is working hard? :)
My suggestion! Re-upholster! =) I love the update. My nephew is so cute!!! Love you guys.